Traditional Vishu Kani decoration – How to do it right

By: Akshita Gupta  For: Date: 21st March 2023

1. Plan Ahead: Vishu Kani decoration requires a lot of planning. Make a list of all the items you need and start preparing well in advance.

2. Use Traditional Items: Vishu Kani is a tradition that has been passed down for generations. So, use traditional items like rice, fruits, vegetables, betel leaves, flowers, and coins in your decoration.

3. Set up an Altar: Set up an altar in your home where you can display your Vishu Kani. You can use a low table or a stool to place the items.

4. Create a Centerpiece: Use a brass lamp or a mirror as the centerpiece of your Vishu Kani decoration. This will create a focal point and add an elegant touch.

5. Add Some Color: Use bright colors like yellow, orange, and red in your Vishu Kani decoration. This will make your arrangement look lively and festive.

6. Pay Attention to Details: Pay attention to small details like the arrangement of the items and the placement of the lamp. A well-planned and well-executed Vishu Kani decoration can make all the difference.