The Channel 46

What Does Your AMH Level Say About Your Fertility & 5 Ways To Improve It

What Is The AMH Level?

AMH or Anti-Mullerian Hormone levels is a blood test that determines the number of eggs present in a woman’s ovary. This test is used to evaluate a woman’s potential to conceive, primarily during IVF, to assist in planning the procedure and medications for the treatment. Women have the maximum number of eggs when they are born. This number naturally declines over the years, and there are no eggs left by the time they reach menopause, which means that the AMH levels become undetectable.

5 Ways To Improve AMH Levels

1. Vitamin D

There is a definite correlation between Vitamin D levels and low AMH levels, especially in women over 40. Hence, it is vital to get exposure to natural sunlight for at least 30 minutes and eat vitamin D-rich food such as salmon, eggs, and mushrooms to increase your AMH.

2. Exercise Regularly

Doctors recommend exercising every day for at least 40 minutes with consistency. This also helps women stay fit and active, especially if they are suffering from medical conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS or PCOD. Doing yoga and meditation can also help you relax and improve your AMH levels.

3. Avoid Smoking & Drinking

It is no surprise that smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol are harmful to your health. Women with low AMH levels should understand that smoking and drinking cause ovarian ageing. Therefore, it is critical that they completely avoid these unhealthy habits, especially if they are trying to conceive.

4. Nutritious Diet

Eating a diet low in calories and high in protein is essential. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrition that a woman’s body needs.

5. Lose Weight

Being overweight can lead to various reproductive problems. Women who have difficulty conceiving are advised to shed the extra weight and become healthy. Exercising regularly, eating a proper diet and quitting an unhealthy lifestyle can help lose weight.

The Channel 46

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