When to Be Concerned About a Lump in Your Breast: Warning Signs and Red Flags

By: Akshita Gupta  For: www.thechannel46.com Date: 1st March 2023

1. Know your breasts: It's important to know how your breasts normally look and feel so that you can detect any changes. Familiarize yourself with the texture, shape, and size of your breasts through regular self-exams.

2. Pay attention to warning signs: While not all lumps are cancerous, certain warning signs can indicate that a lump may be malignant. These include a hard lump that doesn't move, skin changes, nipple discharge, or changes in breast size or shape.

3. Don't ignore pain: While not all lumps are painful, breast pain or tenderness can be a sign of an underlying issue. If you experience pain or discomfort, see your doctor.

4. Get regular mammograms: Women over the age of 50 should have regular mammograms, and women with a family history of breast cancer or other risk factors may need to start earlier. Mammograms can detect breast lumps and other abnormalities that may not be noticeable during a self-exam.

5. Seek medical attention promptly: If you notice a lump or any other changes in your breast, seek medical attention promptly. Early detection and treatment can greatly improve the chances of successful treatment.

6. Be proactive about breast health: In addition to regular self-exams and mammograms, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing risk factors can help prevent breast lumps and other breast conditions. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding smoking, and staying active.