Winter Skin Care Masks To Enjoy Flawless Skin

Cinnamon & Honey Face Mask  

You cannot ignore the liquid gold you have stashed on our kitchen shelves. Using honey with cinnamon makes a perfect combination for removing and preventing blackheads and promote hydration. Ingredients: – ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder (dalchini) – 2 teaspoons honey

Honey & Curd Face Pack

Both honey and curd are excellent moisturisers. This face pack is ideal for people with dry and dull skin as it replenishes the lost moisture of the skin and makes it look supple and healthy. Ingredients: – 1 spoon of honey – 2 spoons of curd

Cucumber & Curd (Dahi) Face Pack    

Cucumber is an amazing hydrant. Using the cucumber with curd for the skin is an effective way to keep the skin hydrated. It also helps to brighten the skin, soothe sunburns and even out the skin tone. Ingredients: – ½ a cucumber – 2 spoons of curd

Jojoba Oil & Honey Face Mask    

Honey combined with many ingredients has beneficial results, but when combined with jojoba oil, it helps to radiate your skin. Ingredients: – 4 tablespoons of jojoba oil – 1 tablespoon of raw honey

Tomato & Yoghurt Face Mask    

Tomatoes are loaded with goodness. They protect the skin from UV rays and contain antioxidants, help closing pores and exfoliate the skin as well! Ingredients: – 1 tomato – 1 spoon of yoghurt (dahi) – ½ spoon of oatmeal