Yoga and Weights: Yami Guatam's Secrets to a Balanced Fitness Regime

1. Start with lighter weights: If you're new to weight training, it's important to start with lighter weights to prevent injury and build a foundation. Begin with weights that feel comfortable for you and gradually increase as your strength improves.

2. Incorporate compound exercises: Compound exercises, such as squats and deadlifts, work multiple muscle groups at once and are great for building overall strength. They also help improve balance and stability, which can benefit your yoga practice.

3. Prioritize form over weight: Proper form is crucial when it comes to weight training. Focus on maintaining good posture and alignment throughout your exercises, even if that means using lighter weights.

4. Balance upper and lower body workouts: To achieve a balanced physique, it's important to train both your upper and lower body. Alternate between upper body exercises, such as bicep curls and chest presses, and lower body exercises, such as lunges and calf raises.

5. Stretch before and after workouts: Incorporating stretching before and after your workouts can help prevent injury and improve flexibility. Consider including dynamic stretches, such as leg swings and arm circles, before your workout and static stretches, such as hamstring stretches and quad stretches, after your workout.

6. Listen to your body: Lastly, listen to your body and adjust your workouts accordingly. If you're feeling tired or sore, consider taking a rest day or modifying your workout to focus on recovery. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to building strength and improving overall fitness.