5-Step Zoom Ready Simple Makeup Routine To Look Professional Even While You WFH

Remember life before lockdown, when you wore your favourite shirt and tried the latest makeup trend to look presentable before an important meeting? But with work from home you’ve gotten pretty comfortable spending all the time in your loungewear. All your important meetings are taking place in your living room on online platforms like Zoom and Teams and you still need to look fit and fab.

1. Look After Your Skin

5 Simple Steps To Ace Those Simple Makeup Steps

Any makeup expert will tell you how important your base is. If you have only 10 minutes to get ready before your meeting, just apply a moisturiser. Moisturised skin glows with a radiance that is recognisable even on online calls.

2. Stick To The Basic Makeup Steps

Just because you have a lot of time to spare before the meeting and a ton of makeup products you haven’t used in a long time, does not mean you apply a sparkly eyeshadow or a bright blush for that meeting. Stick to basic makeup. Fill in your brows, apply mascara for natural eye makeup, swipe on neutral lip colour and a little bit of highlighter and you’ll look fresh as a daisy. Find 10 important makeup tips and products to sweat-proof your makeup here and protect yourself from the monsoon stickiness.

3. Add Definition To Your Eyes

f you relate to ‘Ms Missed The Whole Point’ from the video above, then it’s time for you to up your eyeliner game! Whether on camera or in person, your eyes are the centre of your face, so don’t forget to add some definition with a simple stroke of mascara or liner for natural eye makeup. Learn how to apply easy eye makeup like a pro here. You can opt for minimal makeup for your eyes to look awake.

4. Give Your Cheekbones A Flush Of Colour

Add a stroke of blush to the apple of your cheeks to achieve that natural makeup look and flush, which will add radiance to your complexion. Avoid that washed-out look on video chat by picking a vibrant colour

5. Let Your Lips Pop

Lip colour can change up your game as no other product can. Bold, defined lips do wonder. They make you feel confident and also convey the message that it is business as usual. However, if you don’t want a makeup-ish feel, you can always try tinted lip balm for a naturally flushed effect. So, finish off your work makeup look by applying your favourite tint to your pout