As women, we’re blessed multi-taskers. We know how to run a good show, despite the obvious roadblocks that come our way because of our gender. Yes, we have evolved to take them into our stride and navigate our way to chase our dreams. However, it’s likely that you catch yourself wondering “If I knew this better” or “If I had known this before”… While you are motivated to leave a mark, carve your own niche and earn the money, remember it’s your authenticity that will do you justice. Always remember your roots, your dreams and your WHY.
The Channel 46 caught up with Meeta Gutgutia, Founder of Women Listed & Sipping Thoughts, & Co-Founder of Ferns N Petals, who lists some habits women entrepreneurs should practice, based on learnings that she has gathered over the years through her entrepreneurial journey.
1. Believe
Remember, belief is one side of the coin, the other being commitment.
Isn’t it the beginning of it all? To have the conviction that backs the zeal to pursue your big dream. For an entrepreneur, your work is an extension of yourself. It’s what you resonate with the most, which is why you’re on this journey. You identified a gap and chose to build on it. If you aren’t convinced with your service / product, you can only fake your passion to sell it for so long. Remember, belief is one side of the coin, the other being commitment.
2. Discipline
Discipline is the grinder to your fruit juice, your ingredients being effort, hard work, backend knowledge, research and development, team, and finances.
You win some, you lose some, but discipline is what will make you win most battles. Patience, perseverance, and punctuality are the 3Ps you should swear by throughout your journey as an entrepreneur. Discipline is the grinder to your fruit juice, your ingredients being effort, hard work, backend knowledge, research and development, team, and finances. You can have all of these in place but if you don’t have what it takes to keep it all together, how would you expect your success to taste sweet?
3. Action Rather Than Procrastination
Course-correct on the way when required but don’t ever let good ideas go vary in trying to micromanage or perfecting every detail.
Sometimes we’re so sold on the idea of “perfection” that we can’t help but plan, pre-plan, and re-plan that we land up being fickle-minded. Instead, do your ground research, set a solid trusted team and act. Course-correct on the way when required but don’t ever let good ideas go vary in trying to micromanage or perfecting every detail.
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4. Take Guidance
Find people who are attuned emotionally, intellectually, and business-wise with you and also share the same wavelength with what you want to incorporate in your business.
You like to wear Prada? And Gucci too. And on many days a saree picked from the handloom weaver. Like we have different tastes and moods, different values and have different connections with ourselves. Find people who are attuned emotionally, intellectually, and business-wise with you and also share the same wavelength with what you want to incorporate in your business. It could be your friend, partner, parent, ex-colleague or mentor. It doesn’t have to be one person. Build connections and be mindful of what you receive and offer – advice, strength, light. Just the right conversation to help you gain objectivity and support you need to channelise your thoughts.
5. Taking Criticism
Like you’re appointing different people to help you navigate through different phases and decisions, finding someone whose criticism comes from a place of love is important.
One of the best ways of growing is allowing criticism to help you and push you to do better. But also keep in mind that not all talk is to be taken to heart. Like you’re appointing different people to help you navigate through different phases and decisions, finding someone whose criticism comes from a place of love is important. They’ll point out and direct 100 questions your way and when you’ve successfully navigated through all their doubts, you’ll be in a better space about what you’re trying to accomplish and the direction you’re heading in.
6. Upward & Onward Journey
Be a student for life, you’ll only be helping yourself from stagnancy.
Someone rightly said that once you stop learning, you stop growing. Every single experience, book, conversation – builds you a little more. Every uncomfortable experience has something to teach you. Be a student for life, you’ll only be helping yourself from stagnancy. Take that course, learn to use the app and read the book lying on your shelf. The learning curve should only be upward and onward!
Read: 11 Game-Changing Business Lessons From Kiran Mazumdar Shaw
7. Take A Break
Travel is the only experience where you spend money, but become rich. Take time out to explore a new place – big or small, but do it. Open yourself up to seeing new things, lifestyles, people, culture, languages, and you will be surprised by what sticks with you and inspires you. Travel is investment in self, the results being delayed gratification.
8. Your Compassion Is Your Strength
Let your experiences make you grounded, authentic, honest and enable you to empathise with others.
Remember, empathy is the strongest armour. There is not a single person who had it easy. Emotional, physical, financial; every time you’ve had a fall, you’ve risen too. Let your experiences make you grounded, authentic, honest and enable you to empathise with others. It’s the bravest and most important quality to nurture.
9. Follow Your Instinct
Do not let society’s ‘isms’ make your course correct. Carve your niche!
Your dream, your journey has to foremost resonate with you. Follow your instinct, passion, whatever you may name it. As long as you believe in it, you will achieve it. Be it becoming a florist in the 90s or building a tech-heavy business in your 50s. Do not let society’s ‘isms’ make your course correct. Carve your niche!
10. Diversify
Do not be afraid to embrace change. Be it course correction or building something from scratch, do it.
We want different things at different times. Do not be afraid to embrace change. Be it course correction or building something from scratch, do it. Sipping Thoughts was created as a platform for conversations and now Women Listed to usher many more from the same gender onto their dream journey. If starting something from scratch fires your soul, then why not? Remember, diversification and innovation are two sides of the same coin.
11. Work-Life Balance
One of the most important things you can do for yourself is look out for yourself. As women, we are conditioned to put our needs after everyone else’s. The guilt we go through for neglecting family or children is unmatched. Fight it. And remember, you are the centre, the core of your family. Stronger the core, stronger the home. Happy mother, happier child. Let this mantra drive you to relax, recharge and rejuvenate whenever you need, sans guilt or delay.
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