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Guide 101 On How To Curl Your Eyelashes With A Curler (& Without It!)

Guide 101 On How To Curl Your Eyelashes With A Curler (& Without It!)

Eye makeup ke bina makeup adhura reh jata hai. And defining your eyelashes with mascara opens up your eyes like no other makeup does. The better you curl your lashes, the better will the mascara look on you. Perfect eye makeup is key to bringing your whole look together. And could your eye makeup ever be good enough without well-defined lashes? Curling your eyelashes comes with an array of benefits. It makes your lashes look fuller and longer. This, in turn, makes your eyes look larger and prominent. Plus, if you haven’t been too big on taking care of your eyelashes (a common mistake!), this step can be your saving grace. 

To help you out, we have prepared a step-by-step guide on eyelash curling. But if you don’t have a curler, don’t worry. We will also be discussing how you can achieve that perfect eyelash curl without using a curler. 

7-Step Process On How To Use An Eyelash Curler

Using an eyelash curler the right way is not only important to get bang-on results, but it also ensures that your lashes or eyelid are not damaged in the process. Here is a step-by-step guide to curling your eyelashes with the help of a curler. 

  1. Hold and open your curler. Once it’s open, place it in a way that its rubber strip is right up to your upper eyelashes’ root. 
  2. Your eyelashes are now inside the curler. Make sure to place the eyelash curler in an upright position. Its curve should be facing outwards.
  3. Now carefully and without applying much pressure, close the curler on your eyelashes and squeeze gently.
  4. Now gradually turn the curler in an upward direction. The curve of the curler should be aligned with the crease of your eyelid.
  5. Keep the curler in this position for a few seconds. Make sure not to blink or move.
  6. Now, while pressing the curler with the same amount of pressure, work your way from the roots of your eyelashes to their tip. Repeat this step in case you don’t get desired results in one go. 
  7. Apply your mascara. Other than looking fabulous, it will also help keep the curl in place. 

 5 Easy Ways To Curl Your Eyelashes Without A Curler

Now that you know how to use eyelash curler the right way, let’s find out what you can do to curl your eyelashes in case you don’t have a curler! 

1. Mascara Wand

Let’s begin with the most obvious one. Your mascara wand can also be used for curling your lashes. This is how. 


  1. Apply your mascara like you usually do, starting near the lid and then moving up. 
  2. When you reach the tips of your lashes, press down and hold them in place till your mascara is dry. This will roughly take a few seconds. 
  3. To hold the curl and add some more volume, apply a second coat. 

2. Cotton Swab

This method works the same way as using a mascara wand for eyelash curling. If you are not very comfortable with the mascara wand being pressed so close to your eyeball, use a Q-tip instead. 


  1. Apply your mascara as usual. 
  2. Now use a Q-tip to hold your lashes in the curled position of your choice by carefully lifting them at the lash line near your eyelid. 
  3. Your lashes will stay in this curled position once the mascara dries up. 

3. Spoon

Still afraid you may end up poking your eye out? How about this safe and effective method! 


  1. Get a clean spoon. Make sure it is thin from the sides.
  2. Now run the spoon under hot water but do not overdo it. 
  3. Once the spoon is somewhat heated, hold it against the lid of your eye. It should be placed right at the lash line. 
  4. Now press your lashes against the spoon’s curve. 
  5. Use your finger to apply gentle pressure on the lashes against the spoon’s edge. 
  6. Apply mascara. This will hold the curl in place. 
  7. Before your mascara dries completely, gently comb your lashes. 

4. Your Hands!

Guide 101 On How To Curl Your Eyelashes With A Curler (& Without It!)

Eyelash curling is so simple that you can do it without using any equipment. Here’s how to naturally curl eyelashes without using any tool or equipment. 


  1. Rub your hands against one another multiple times to generate heat. This will warm up your fingers.
  2. Closing your eye, gently push your eyelashes against the eyelid. Press them in a way that they are going upward (towards the eyebrow). 
  3. Hold for a few seconds.
  4. Repeat until you get desired results.
  5. To set the curl, apply 2 coats of mascara. 

5. Toothbrush

A clean toothbrush can also double up as an eyelash curler. Let’s see how! 


  1. Place your toothbrush under running hot water to warm it. Shake off the water and then dry it by pressing it into a towel. 
  2. Now use the toothbrush to brush through your eyelashes. Gently hold the brush back against the eyelid (for a few seconds) when you reach the tips. 
  3. In case you don’t get satisfactory results, re-warm the brush and repeat the process. 
  4. Mascara is the best solution to how to keep your eyelashes curled. So when you are done, apply your mascara to hold the curl in place. 

9 Tips To Get Those Perfect Lashes

These easy-to-follow tips will help you master eyelash curling, and achieve and maintain the eyelashes of your dreams…EVERY TIME! 

  1. Ideally, you should curl your eyelashes before you apply your mascara. Once you’ve coated them with mascara, your lashes become stiff, thus increasing the chances of damage and breakage. 
  2. Before you start with eyelash perm, make sure they are absolutely clean. Also, make sure that your eyelash curler is clean. 
  3. Use a blow dryer to slightly heat the curler before use. 
  4. To make your lashes look voluminous, coat them with vaseline before curling them. 
  5. When it comes to getting perfect lash curls, patience is the key. Hold on to the curler for a few seconds to get great results. 
  6. Do not pull or press too hard while doing an eyelash perm. 
  7. The mascara should be applied in the same direction as that of the natural growth of your lashes.
  8. Always apply good quality mascara. Do a little research to find the best mascara for straight lashes.
  9. Every once in a while, take a break from shaping your lashes or coating them with mascara. This will promote natural and healthy growth. 

Mastering your eye makeup can be a tad bit tricky at times, especially if you’re a beginner. But the above-mentioned hacks are surprisingly simple. All you have to do is use the right technique and you’ll get unbelievable results in a matter of seconds. No matter which method you decide to use, make sure to work slowly and gently. And lastly, it may take a little practice to see the results you want. So #BeALittleMore fabulous and take your makeup skills to the next level by learning how to curl eyelashes at home like a pro!

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