Home Health Mental Health Mental Health Quiz: Are You Suffering From Burnout At Work?

Mental Health Quiz: Are You Suffering From Burnout At Work?


Take This Quiz To See If You Are Burnt Out From Work

People have commended and praised individuals who put in extra hours at work. The long hours and lack of leaves taken are celebrated and even motivated amongst a few. But continuing such behaviour can be more harmful than you think. This can cause burnout, which can leave people feeling exhausted, empty, and unable to cope with the demands of life. Take this quiz to know if you are experiencing burnout. If you tick ‘yes’ to more than 10 questions it’s time you start investing in ‘ME-TIME’ and focus on your mental health. Click here to learn more about burnout. 

1) Are you working for longer than 40 hours a week?
2) Have you developed a low tolerance for work issues?
3) Have you felt that your workload has increased and there is no time to complete it?
4) Do you feel that despite your long hours and hard work there is no reward?
5) Do you get tense about work, even past office hours?
6) Has your work stress affected your personal life?
7) Have you started drinking more or using recreational drugs as a part of relaxing, post office hours?
8) Have you started to hate going to work?
9) Does the topic of work or deadlines make you sick or nauseous?
10) Have you started to avoid your coworkers with whom you had no issues?
11) Does your office seem out of control, where there are no defined roles or structure?
12) Does your work environment lack the right guidance and support you need?
13) Has your office called you in for work, post office hours?
14) Have you lost motivation to work, despite loving your job?
15) Has your work-life overstepped your personal boundaries?



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