Home Health Pregnancy Yoga For Conceiving – 10 Yoga Asanas That Boost Fertility in Women

Yoga For Conceiving – 10 Yoga Asanas That Boost Fertility in Women


Unfortunately, being a millennial comes with its own set of challenges. One such evil most modern women come across is fertility problems. The number of women opting for fertility treatments has been rising year after year. While a wide variety of medical treatments are available to help women get pregnant, many women are also adopting alternative therapies to improve their chances of conception, and the frontrunner among them is yoga.

Although most cases of infertility in women in modern society are a result of poor lifestyle, there are other medical problems which can make it difficult for a woman to conceive. Another very important reason for the steep rise in fertility problems is the fact that women are choosing to become mothers much later in life, causing reproductive complications.

Common Causes For Infertility In Women

  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Excessive body weight
  • Erratic sleeping patterns
  • Processed foods
  • Ovulation problems
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Autoimmune disorders

Make note, there is no conclusive evidence that prescribes yoga to increase fertility. But, yoga has for long been employed as a supplement to treatment in order to address related underlying issues that may cause infertility  Many of the causes for infertility like excessive weight, stress, hormonal imbalance and implantation failure can be treated with the help of specific yoga poses. Yoga for fertility has gained so much momentum now, that prenatal and postnatal yoga classes can be easily found everywhere, especially at fertility clinics worldwide.

10 Yoga Asanas That Boost Fertility in Women

1. Child Pose (Balasana)

Child Pose

This pose is recommended because it works wonders for women with poor blood circulation. It is also effective in releasing any tension in the neck, spine or shoulder in addition to calming the mind and body.

Step 1: Kneel on the mat with your hands on your knees. There should be a hip-width distance between the knees.

Step 2: Raise your arms.

Step 3: Bend forwards, trying to touch your forehead to the mat.

Step 4: Keep your hands straight on the mat, palms facing downwards.

Step 5: Staying in the pose, try to push your chest towards the thighs. Inhale while you do so.

Step 6: Hold in the pose for 60-90 seconds.

Step 7: While exhaling, slowly raise your arms and head.

Step 8: Bring your hands down and relax.

2. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)

Practising the warrior pose helps women strengthen their lower body, especially their hip joints. The pose stretches all the major joints of the body including the shoulders, back, legs, groin, belly and neck. It also improves focus and balance.

Step 1: Stand with your feet at hip-distance from each other.

Step 2: Now try to split your legs as wide as possible.

Step 3: Slowly, try to bring your right leg at a 90-degree angle so your toes face the long edge of the mat.

Step 4: Rotate your body to your right.

Step 5: Bring your left foot at a 45-degree angle, toes pointing the short edge of the mat.

Step 6: Inhale and raise your hands. Keep pushing your feet away from one another, feeling the opening of your hip joints and stretching of your upper back.

Step 7: Hold the pose for 5 breaths.

Step 8: Relax your legs while you exhale.

Step 9: Repeat on the opposite side.

3. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

Since the tree pose is centred around maintaining body balance, it plays an essential role in improving the stability and balance in the body. The pose tones and strengthens the entire leg, helping strengthen the pelvic muscles.

Step 1: Stand straight with feet 3 inches apart from one another.

Step 2: Find a central point to focus on.

Step 3: Gradually lift your right leg and place your foot on the inside of your left thigh. Do this while you exhale.

Step 4: Inhale and raise your arms above your head. Join your palms in namaste.

Step 5: Maintain balance while breathing deeply.

Step 6: Suck your tummy in and keep extending your spine towards your arms.

Step 7: Hold the pose as long as possible.

Step 8: Repeat with the other leg.

4. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

The cobra pose is popular for causing stimulation of the woman’s reproductive system. It targets the abdominal muscles, making them strong and helping battle any digestion problems. 

Step 1: Lie down on your stomach. Rest your toes on the mat with your heels facing the sky.

Step 2: Place your hands parallel to your shoulders, keeping your shoulders bent.

Step 3: While inhaling, straighten your arms and push your upper body away from the mat. 

Step 4: Try to go as high as possible while keeping your pelvis and feet firmly on the mat.

Step 5: Hold the pose for 30 seconds. 

Step 6: Come back to a neutral position as your exhale.

5. Garland Pose (Malasana)

This pose engages the pelvic region, making the pelvic muscles strong.it also stretches the hip joints, neck, back and ankles. An integral part of prenatal yoga, the garland pose opens up the groin and the hips.

Step 1: Stand on the mat keeping your feet together.

Step 2: Bend your knees so your legs are parallel to the ground. This pose should look like you are sitting on a chair.

Step 3: Gradually as you inhale, spread your knees and bring your chest in between the thighs.

Step 4: Lower your arms so your palms can touch your heels while the elbows are as close to the mat as possible.

Step 5: Hold for 7-8 breaths.

Step 6: Slowly exhale, release and stand up.

6. Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

This pose is ideal for women who feel stressed and burnt out. The corpse pose helps the woman feel calm and beats fatigue. The pose assists in the regulation of blood pressure and assists digestion. 

Step 1: Lie on your back with your legs spread out.

Step 2: Keep your hands on the sides with palms facing the sky.

Step 3: While staying in this relaxing pose, breathe deeply.

Step 4: Take time to focus your attention on each part of the body.

Step 5: Stay in the pose for up to 5 minutes.

7. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

A classic yoga pose, the downward-facing dog is especially recommended for increasing fertility because it assists in regulating the hormones, thus treating hormonal imbalances. 

Step 1: Kneel on the mat. The wrists should be parallel to the shoulder and the knees, to the buttocks.

Step 2: Spread your fingers and tuck your toes into the mat

Step 3: Slowly take your knees off the mat and raise your body with the support of your palms and toes. Keep pushing your tailbone towards the sky.

Step 4: Straighten your knees and bring the heels to the mat. 

Step 5: Rotate your arms so your palms face outwards.

Step 6: Keep trying to push your body upwards, away from the mat.

Step 7: Maintain the pose for at least one minute.

 8. Legs Up The Wall (Viparita Karani)

This pose is very helpful in improving ovarian function in the female body. It can also reduce menstrual cramps and gets the blood flowing to the heart. This is the perfect pose for women suffering from varicose veins.

Step 1: Find a sturdy wall or any surface. Place the yoga mat close to the wall and lie down.

Step 2: Bring your buttocks as close to the wall as possible.

Step 3: Raise your legs at a 90-degree angle with the support of the wall. Slowly bring your tailbone as close to the wall as possible.

Step 4: Keep your toes straight, rest your heels on the wall for support.

Step 5: Ideally, the knees should be straight, but make sure to not lock the knees.

Step 6: Keep both your hands on the sides, palms facing up or down.

Step 7: Keep your neck, chest and shoulders in a neutral position.

Step 8: Hold the pose for 12 long breaths.

Step 9: To release the legs, move your hips away from the wall. Then slowly bend the knees and bring the lower back down.

9. Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)

The shoulder stand pose is especially helpful for women unable to conceive due to thyroid problems. It stimulates the abdominal and thyroid glands, causing regulation of the thyroid hormone. In addition to this, the pose helps in dealing with insomnia and calms the mind.

Step 1: Lie flat on the mat with your legs straight.

Step 2: Keep your hands on the sides, palms facing towards the sky. (Beginners can keep their hands below their buttocks)

Step 3: Try to lift your legs to form a 90-degree angle while pressing your palms to the yoga mat.

Step 4: Hold your waist with your hands and slowly lift your back off the mat, taking support from your shoulders.

Step 5: Stay in the pose for 60-90 seconds and pay attention to your breathing.

Step 6: To end the asana, bring your knees to your forehead and place your hands on the mat, palms facing down. Now slowly bring your spine to the mat, followed by the legs.

10. Alternating Between Cow pose (Bitilasana) & Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)

Alternating between the cat and cow pose can bring about a feeling of calm and beat stress effectively. The pose increases body coordination, posture and stability. It causes stretching of the hips, belly region and back.

Step 1: Kneel on the mat with your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips.

Step 2: Cow Pose: Inhale as you lift your head and chest while dropping your abdomen towards the mat. Look at the sky.

Step 3: Increase the stretch by bringing your shoulders as far away from the ears as possible.

Step 4: Cat Pose: Exhale while you try to make an arch with your back and belly while looking down at the mat. The posture should resemble a cat stretching.

Step 5: Inhale and repeat the cow pose followed by exhalation into the cat pose.

Step 6: Repeat these poses alternatively for 5-10 times.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions 

Q. Is practising yoga for conceiving a foolproof measure?

A. Unfortunately, there is no study proving the role of yoga to get pregnant. Having said that, yoga does play an important role in improving your overall mental and physical health, making conception easier. Also, combining yoga with medical means of improving fertility has shown very impressive results.

Q. Can I opt for hot yoga to get pregnant?

A. Although yoga is highly beneficial for women trying to get pregnant, experts suggest that the high temperatures and strenuous nature of hot yoga might pose challenges for women trying to get pregnant. Women trying to conceive should stick to the yoga for fertility poses. 

Q. Can I continue my usual yoga routine to get pregnant?

A. There are some yoga poses which women trying to conceive must refrain from doing. For best results and safety reasons, it is recommended to hire the services of a competent prenatal yoga professional. This will ensure that the woman practices the recommended yoga poses in the correct manner.

While it is apparent that a healthy body is a requisite for getting pregnant, we often ignore the mental health aspect. The ancient practice of yoga is effective in creating a harmonious combination of a strong body and a calm mind which is both conducive and receptive to medical fertility treatments.



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